On November 30th we had our last Belt Ceremony of the year at PaKua Martial Arts of Huntington Beach. We want to congratulate all students that received a new graduation! Way to go! We also would like to thanks everybody for the support received this year.
The event was attended by some of the masters of the studio, instructors, students and their families. We shared a class all together before the belts were given. Seeing the students reaching their goals is always a happy moment.
Instructor Brenner that helps teaching the kids martial arts class received his Red Belt in martial arts this time (one before black belt), it was nice to see the kids cheering for him.
Our Evaluations are run only a couple of times per year. In our International League we have masters that travel and are the ones qualified to take those evaluations. The students will achieve stripes on the current belt or the full belt depending their level and performance at the time of the evaluation. Because PaKua Martial Arts is a traditional an personalized martial art, the results follow not only what the master evaluating is seeing but a report of each student done by each master. We can say that at the end of this team work the student will receive a graduation according to his/her performance at the evaluation day and his/her performance at the general classes. Discipline and hard work is the key.