Kick or Treat at the PaKua Halloween Party Friday, October 26th 7:30pm – 10:00pm.
We hope everyone is excited as we are for PaKua Martial Arts annual Halloween Party! This is a great time for all ages. We will be having even more Halloween games and activities than last year. There will be the traditional Halloween games such as: bobbing for apples, donut eating contest and pin the tail on the zombie donkey. The event is free for everyone. Please invite your friends and family, everyone is welcome. This is a 100% family friendly environment as always!
Volunteers: We are in need of volunteers to help decorate on Wednesday October 24th at 7:00pm. We also need volunteers to help set up on Friday night and then clean up after the Party. You know the old saying “Many hands makes quick work”.
Donations: Every year we are able to have an amazing Halloween party thanks to the donations of all the students providing some of the best decorations. Please make your donation before Wednesday October 24th so we will be able to finish decorating that night. Thank you!
Contest: We will be having a few party contests that will be awarded throughout the night. The main contest as always the best costume award!
Costumes: We ask that everyone please come in costume. We have 98% of the school in costume every year and we would love to make that 100%. If you’re not in costume please still come and enjoy but trust me, it’s much more fun in costume!
Adults: We want all adults to know this is not just a kids Halloween party. This is a family Halloween party, so get your costume on and get ready for some fun and games. We look forward to all ages joining in the fun!
Volunteer now: If you have any questions about volunteering or donating decorations please speak with Master Liz or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.