In September Master Jason went to New York on a Pa-Kua Itinerancy. All the local Masters prepared their students to take classes, courses and of course prepare for their evaluations. With all the local Masters hard work in New York this was the most productive itinerancy in the past year. Master Jason had an average of 5 to 8 hours of classes per day, 7 days a week! He taught many Pa-Kua classes, seminars and a Pa-Kua Jian review as well as a Long Stick level 4 course. Master Ari and Master Luke in Pa-Kua Long Island completed their Martial Arts Seminar to First Degree Black Belt! We look forward to seeing them receive their black belts shortly. As an honorable mention to Master Dominique who has been working very hard growing a school in Manhattan as well as Master Michael who signed up 19 new students in Brooklyn just in September. Congratulations to all the Students, Instructors and Masters for their dedication in growing the Pa-Kua Schools in New York.
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